Action areas
Across the world, forests and the people and animals who live in them are under threat. Activities such as illegal logging and deforestation have devastating impacts on ecosystems, biodiversity and the rights of forest peoples.
Being part of FSC means striving for better: not just a green tick, but a shared commitment across all operations to protect forests for future generations. That’s why we take action if anyone connected to FSC is involved in destructive forestry activities, inside or outside certified areas, first to get them out of the FSC system, then to make them accountable to remedy and fix what went wrong.

There are some forestry practices we believe are so destructive that they cannot be tolerated, even if the wrongdoing happens in forests that aren’t FSC certified. We conduct extensive investigations when we receive credible allegations that an organization associated with FSC is involved in destructive activities. Organizations found responsible for these activities face exclusion from the FSC scheme.

After an organization has been excluded from the FSC scheme and they demonstrate real commitment to change, we bring them together with those who’ve been affected by destructive activities. Through extensive collaboration and consultation, we work out how to remedy the harm caused and make sure it doesn’t happen again.