
Forest-based textiles, such as rayon, viscose, modal or lyocell are increasingly being used in the fashion industry. If cellulose fibres come from well-managed forests they can be more environmentally friendly than synthetic fibres, such as nylon or polyester, or even natural fibres, such as cotton.


Sustainable Fashion

Tree-based fibres currently constitute less than seven per cent of the global fibre market. Their production volume has more than doubled since 1990, and the demand for them is forecasted to grow in the coming years.  This growth is driven by the increasing demand for renewable and sustainable raw materials in the production of textiles. However, these materials can sometimes be sourced from high risk areas where deforestation or poor forestry practices are common. In this case, they pose a threat not only to the world’s forests, but also carry reputational risks for brands and businesses. Such risks can be mitigated by sourcing FSC certified fibres. FSC is the world’s most trusted sustainable forest management solution that not only has environmental but social and economic benefits as well. 

The Value of FSC - Textiles
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Brochure - Textiles

FSC-certified forests have environmental, economic and social benefits.

As the world’s most trusted sustainable forest management solution, FSC labelling tells customers that the materials used originate from sustainable and legal sources.

Download the brochure on the ‘Value of FSC for Textiles’ to find out more about the benefits of FSC for fashion brands and the world’s forests. 


Watch our webinar on sourcing sustainable fibre for fashion to learn more about how Masai became the first Danish clothing brand to connect the first viscose chains through the FSC chain of custody certification scheme or why Canopy prefers FSC over other forest certification schemes to ensure a secure supply of environmentally improved forest products. 

Consumer demand

Many consumers view fashion as a means of self-expression and wearing responsibly sourced fabric is increasingly becoming important for consumers worldwide as issues such as climate change become more mainstream. A global consumer survey conducted by Globescan had found that half of the consumers surveyed recognise the FSC label and trust FSC to be effective in protecting forests. And almost 80 per cent of the surveyed consumers expect companies to ensure that the forest-based products they use do not contribute to deforestation. 

FSC is working with several companies to ensure the formation of sustainable value chains to enable the sourcing of FSC certified sustainable fibre. Sezane is one of our FSC chain of custody certificate holder and shares the value of FSC in this testimony. 

sezane logo

Putting the FSC label on garments enables us to demonstrate our commitment, be transparent about the attributes of the materials, and also makes our customers reflect and ask questions. 

Elleore Bomstein, CSR Manager, Sézane 

FSC Promotional Licence

Many trusted companies across the globe who are FSC promotional licence holders are choosing FSC certified paper and cardboard for their packaging and hang-tags. Companies who buy finished, FSC-labelled products from an FSC-certified company and sell these onto end users may apply to FSC for a promotional licence to enable them to use the FSC trademarks to promote these products. Similarly, organizations that use FSC-certified products as part of their operations or business, but do not sell them, may apply for a licence to promote FSC. Click here to find out more about how you can become a promotional licence holder.

H&M is one of our Promotional Licence Holder’s and shares the value of FSC in this testimony: 

hm logo

We believe FSC to be the strongest certification system around to ensure responsible forest management. 

Madelene Ericsson, Sustainability Business Expert, H&M 


FSC addresses 14 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, covering ecological and social issues in forests around the globe. 

To find out the impact of FSC towards meeting different SDGs 


FSC Tools to Promote your Sustainability Story

  • FSC Trademark Portal 
    Promotional license holders and certificate holders get complimentary free access to the FSC Trademark Portal. On average, certificate holders generate and download 9,000 labels every month through this portal. The video below gives a quick tutorial on how it works.
  • FSC Marketing and Communications Toolkit 
    Promotional licence holders and certificate holders get free access to the marketing and communications toolkit. This platform provides ready-to-use digital and in-print promotional materials like web banners, posters, hang-tags, etc. Moreover, it also contains campaign examples and ideas from across the world. 

Contact us

FSC certification and tools can help businesses grow while fighting climate change 

Please get in touch with us to know more about the benefits of FSC certification and how to get FSC certified/become a promotional licence holder.