FSC Performance and Standards Unit (PSU) is pleased to announce the publication of the FSC interim national standard (INS) of Kenya: FSC-STD-KEN-01-2021 EN.
The effective date of the standard is 01 May 2021.
CBs operating in Kenya are now required to inform all their clients about the new standard.
The organization leading the adaptation process was Soil Association Certification Limited. The standard was approved by the FSC Policy Steering Group (PSG) on 21 January 2021. PSU would like to take this opportunity to join with the PSG in congratulating Soil Association Certifi-cation Limited for their hard work to successfully complete the INS development process in accordance with the revised Principles and Criteria (P&C V5-2) and related documents.
You can view or download the Kenya’s INS from FSC International Website:https://fsc.org/en/document-centre/documents/resource/472
If you have any questions about the assessment and approval process of INS, please contact the FSC Africa team by email fscafrica@fsc.org