The Value of FSC For Forests

Forests are incredibly valuable, not only for the survival of people but for the rest of the planet. By looking after forests, we preserve one of our best defences against climate change. Forests are also home to many endemic and endangered species. We find medicinal plants, food and other non-timber forest products in certified forests.

FSC Forest
FSC GD / Arturo Escobar
FSC Ecosystem Services / swissmediavision

Ecosystem services are the benefits that people obtain from nature. Forests provide society with a wide range of benefits, from reliable flows of clean water to productive soil and carbon sequestration. In FSC certified forests, valuable ecosystem services are protected – and in 2018, FSC introduced a procedure to demonstrate and communicate about the positive impact of responsible forest management on ecosystem services. These verified positive impacts aim to facilitate payments for ecosystem services and provide access to other benefits, thereby adding business value for those who responsibly manage forests and those who take action to preserve forest ecosystem services.

FSC GD / Milan Reška

FSC strives to identify the best feasible approach to reduce the use of chemical pesticides in FSC-certified forests and plantations, and to prevent, minimise and mitigate the related environmental and social impacts.

FSC High Conservation Values
FSC GD / Arturo Escobar

From endemic species to sacred sites, all natural habitats – especially forests – inherit conservation values. Those biological, ecological, social or cultural values of outstanding significance are known as 'high conservation values,' or HCVs.

FSC Intact Forest Landscapes
FSC GD / Arturo Escobar

Intact forest landscapes (IFLs) are the last remaining large unfragmented forest areas, undisturbed by roads or other industrial infrastructure, in which there has been no industrial harvesting in the past 30-70 years. Most IFLs consist of dense and open forest (81 per cent) with the remainder being swamps, rocky terrain, grasslands, rivers, lakes, etc. IFLs occur in 60 countries, and 65 per cent of the world’s total IFL area is concentrated in Canada, Russia and Brazil.

Forest in Finland

Life on land

Climate action


FSCs Contribution to Forest Restoration.pdf
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