However, despite many successes achieved over the past years, global action is still lagging.
Forests Forward program is the evolution of WWF's work At the heart of Forests Forward is a desire to demonstrate the full value of forests, not just for the wood they supply but also for the many other benefits they provide.
Through Forests Forward, businesses, communities, governments, financial institutions, and civil society organizations with stakes in forests and key landscapes come together to act for change.
Forests Forward brings in science, policy, businesses, and communities to identify, support, and demonstrate sustainable solutions by working on the ground in forests of different types.
Participants in Forests Forward commit to implementing and investing in sustainable practices in forests, changing their supply chain sourcing, and helping ensure that the world's forests continue to provide space for nature. They engage in areas such as:
• better silviculture
• reforestation and ecosystem restoration
• biodiversity protection and recovery
• tackling illegality throughout the timber supply chain
• credible forest certification
• fair, inclusive, and equitable value chains
In doing so, participants in the Forests Forward program help ensure that the world's forests are sustainably used, protected, and restored.
In the Republic of Gabon, four companies have already committed to the program. They are respectively Bois et Scierie du Gabon (BSG), Compagnie des Bois du Gabon (CBG), Gabon Wood Industry (GWI), et la Gabonaise d’exploitation de Bois (GEB). We hope to see many more joining the platform.
WWF is a founding member and long-time partner of FSC and contributes to the promotion of FSC certification worldwide.
To read more about the Forests Forward program, go here.