The Uganda Timber Growers Association (UTGA) is an independent private sector association that brings together commercial timber growers from all over Uganda. The association recently achieved FSC® certification after a journey that started three years ago.The process started in 2016 with a small pilot of six members from the Mubende cluster “the guinea pigs” who decided to lead the path. The first step was an in-field technical gap analysis of forest management activities. The technical analysis in the field was aimed at identifying loopholes and to recommend strategies to correct them in preparation for the main assessment. The process also included several trainings attended by UTGA staff, UTGA forest owners and their plantation managers. .FSC Africa facilitated one of the training, which aimed to introduce the UTGA secretariat, and the forest owners to the requirements of the National Forest Stewardship Standard(NFSS) for the Republic of Uganda that was approved by the FSC International and launched in June 2018. This helped UTGA to identify the remaining gaps and drew a clear road map towards FSC certification.The preparations for certification also involved four internal audits involving the forest owners and their plantation managers in order to build their capacity. Many other approaches such as meetings, workshops and newsletters were used to share information to better understand the certification process The Center for Modernization of Operations (CMO) was also involved in helping UTGA and the growers to better understand FSC and to help organize the group scheme to be ready for certification. Furthermore, CMO is helping UTGA to digitize the whole certification process and convert it to an electronic platform so that, references and processes are easily accessible by all participants in the group scheme using their cell phones.The Saw log Plantation Grant Scheme (SPGS) project run by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) also supported the implementation of some of the forest management activities to close the gaps earlier identified. Soil Association- one of the FSC Certification Body (CB) that operates in Eastern Africa Sub Region, conducted the main evaluation in December 2018. Three of the six pioneer forest owners initially selected; Buyigi Estates, Isabella Investments and Kirangwa Plantation, all located in Mubende District,successfully made it to the final audit. The three others are expected to join the scheme very soon. At the end of May 2019, UTGA was notified that the well-deserved certificate was officially awarded. This is the first group certification scheme to be audited against the new FSC approved National Forest Stewardship Standard for the Republic of Uganda. Being FSC certified for this association represents a great deal. The certification label is a recognition of good forest management which will characterize the work of the growers as economically viable and socially responsible forestry projects. The FSC certificate will open doors to new timber marketing opportunities as certified products attract premium value. At last, it will increase the recognition of the UTGA work at regional and international level. According to Denis David Kavuma, General Manager of UTGA, “UTGA looks at FSC certification for its members as a special purpose vehicle that will help the growers to practice responsible forest management, realize good value from their wood and be able to replant after harvesting, which will be good for Uganda.”
Denis adds that the certificate so far covers 1322.55 ha and the ultimate objective is to have every UTGA member’s plantation FSC certified. Annah Agasha, the FSC East Africa Sub Regional Coordinator explains“there is about 70,000 ha of plantation that can potentially be FSC certified under the UTGA group scheme. We will continue to work with the UTGA secretariat to offer the necessary technical support; and we have started to venture into market development aspects though, still at infancy stage”.
The Uganda Timber Growers Association (UTGA) is an independent private sector association that brings together commercial timber growers from all over Uganda. The association recently achieved FSC® certification after a journey that started three years ago.The process started in 2016 with a small pilot of six members from the Mubende cluster “the guinea pigs” who decided to lead the path. The first step was an in-field technical gap analysis of forest management activities. The technical analysis in the field was aimed at identifying loopholes and to recommend strategies to correct them in preparation for the main assessment. The process also included several trainings attended by UTGA staff, UTGA [url][/url]