An update on Congo Basin High Conservation Value Guidelines
The Guidelines for the identification, management and monitoring of High Conservation Values (HCV) in the Congo Basin forests are being finalized by the Congo Basin HCV Regional Working Group (HCV-RWG).
After the alignment of the draft HCV guidelines with the new FSC template for national and regional HCV frameworks by a consultant, the document has been reviewed during three HCV Regional Working Group meetings in 2021. Due to the magnitude of changes introduced during the alignment of the draft HCV guidelines with the new FSC template, the HCV-RWG felt it was necessary to take the time needed to check and to ensure that the final HCV guidelines document accurately reflects current realities.

FSC Congo Basin office edited the advanced draft of the guidelines that was produced in the last HCV-RWG meeting in July 2021 and a final check and cleaning is currently being done by the members prior to its publication.
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