FSC Eastern Africa has developed two sets of information materials on FSC certification for 1) governments and 2) business in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Rwanda, respectively. The materials provide information that raises awareness about the role of forest certification in taking care of forests based on the FSC forest management certification system. The Government brochures and factsheets highlight what the government agencies need to know and do, to implement forest certification as a tool for responsible management of the forest estates under their management. Similarly, the Business brochures and factsheets highlight what businesses dealing in wood and wood products and services need to know and do, to uptake certification for responsible sourcing. The factsheets have summarized quick to read information (2 pager), most of which is extracted from the brochures.
You can download the materials for each country below and/or here: https://africa.fsc.org/en-cd/notre-impact/publications-et-ressources
For additional information, contact: a.agasha@fsc.org.