The FSC Forest Week
Launched in 2022, FSC Forest Week is a global, consumer-driven campaign aimed at raising awareness about the importance of choosing responsibly sourced products to help protect our planet. It offers a unique opportunity for consumers and brands to engage in conversations about the role of forest stewards in combating climate change and biodiversity loss.
Events in Gabon
On September 26, 2024, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Congo Basin, led by Senior Communications Manager -FSC Africa, Israel Bionyi Nyoh Bionyi, and Certification Manager, Congo Basin and West Africa, Hypp Renaud Boumi Mfoubat Niongui, organized an awareness-raising workshop at the Ecole Nationale des Eaux et Forêts du Gabon. Over 50 participants, including students, teachers, and representatives from the Gabonese Ministry of Water and Forests, attended the workshop focused on the sub-theme “FSC Forest Certification and Beyond.”
Certificate holders such as Rougier Gabon, Precious Woods, Compagnie des Bois du Gabon (CBG), and Gabon Advanced Woods (GAW) also organized special awareness-raising activities within their concessions.
Events in Cameroon
In Cameroon, FSC certificate holders Alpi-GRUMCAM and Pallisco held several awareness-raising activities in schools and local communities from September 26-28, 2024. These activities aimed to educate and inspire local communities, students, and industry professionals on consumer behaviours that can drive change.
Jean Ardène Zigigie, Planning and Certification Manager at Alpi-GRUMCAM, led activities in Mindourou, Eastern Cameroon, to raise awareness about the importance of forest protection. He stated, “FSC forest certification is a catalyst for positive change. It helps protect communities, indigenous peoples, workers, and ecosystems, and is a useful tool for preserving biodiversity. From September 21 to 27, 2024, we actively participated in FSC Forest Week, contributing to a more sustainable future for the forests of the Congo Basin. Small daily actions can make a positive difference for our planet.”
William Lawyer, Policy Manager, led a delegation that visited Pallisco and l’École Nationale des Eaux et Forêts (ENEF) - the National School of Water and Forests in Cameroon. On September 26, 2024, the FSC team, including William Lawyer, FSC Africa Standards Manager, and FSC Members Tsafack N. Serge and Pr Fobane Jean Louis, travelled to Mindourou, East Cameroon, to participate in Pallisco’s FSC Forest Week activities. Pallisco, a company managing over 300,000 ha of FSC certified concession in Eastern Cameroon, organized an exchange between FSC team members and their staff to raise awareness on the merits of the natural forest as part of its FSC Forest Week activities. In his opening remark, Pallisco’s General Manager, Richard Feteke, expressed his delight at the team’s presence and the staff’s availability for the exchange, noting the opportunity the special event presents to get more clarity on the FSC Standard and how it applies to certain aspects of the forest management units under their control.
Raising student awareness and tree planting

The second part of the agenda focused on raising awareness amongst primary school pupils. FSC and Pallisco teams visited the Government School of Mindourou, to discuss the importance of forests for survival and environmental protection. Following this event, various forest species were distributed to pupils for planting, with practical demonstrations on how to plant a tree species.
Additional activities and highlights:
- Celebrations at the national school of forests and water (École Nationale des Eaux et Forêts (ENEF) in Cameroon: On September 28, 2024, the FSC team travelled to Mbalmayo, Central Cameroon region, to participate in activities related to the FSC Forest Week event. The team consisted of William Lawyer, FSC Africa Standards Manager, Pr Ngoufo Roger, President of FSC Standard Development Group (SDG) Cameroon, and FSC Members, Pr Fobane Jean Louis, and Tsafack N. Serge.
- Exchange forum between FSC team members and students: An exchange was organized at the École Nationale des Eaux et Forêts in Mbalmayo, where the FSC team discussed forest certification and the FSC certification process with students.
- Visit to the ENEF botanical park: FSC and ENEF teams visited ENEF’s botanical park to examine how trees planted by FSC teams in 2022 in the park are growing.