Developing a certification roadmap for smallholders in Tanzania's southern highlands

The primary objective of this initiative is to streamline and facilitate the forest management certification processes for smallholders within the southern highlands of Tanzania. Participants engaged in discussions and strategic planning sessions, pooling their collective expertise and resources to craft a comprehensive and actionable roadmap aimed at addressing the specific challenges and opportunities faced by smallholders in the region.roadmap article TZ

"This collaborative effort is a testament to our commitment to sustainability and inclusivity. We believe that by empowering smallholders with the necessary tools and guidance, we can navigate the certification process successfully," said Kastory Timbula, CEO at TTGAU.

The roadmap, meticulously shaped through the combined knowledge and experience of the participating stakeholders, will promote transparency, accountability, and best practices. It represents a significant stride toward ensuring the long-term conservation and responsible management of Tanzania's valuable forest resources.

Looking beyond its two-day duration, this initiative is poised to extend far into the future. It stands as a beacon of hope and progress, inspiring positive change and contributing to a brighter future for both smallholders and the environment they diligently steward.