Dear Forest Management Stakeholder in Botswana,
The Technical Working Group (TWG) for the development of the FSC Interim National Standard (INS) of Botswana has the pleasure to invite you to the First public consultation on draft 2 of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) INS for forest management in Botswana.
This process starts from 04 October 2022 to 02 December 2022, at 23:59 Hours.
The objective of this public consultation is to give stakeholders the opportunity to provide input into the development of the INS of Botswana.
Attached, you will find a Comments form (, an extract of mandatory Adapted indicators, and Draft 2-INS of Botswana with all, adapted and adopted indicators including Annexes.
Instruction for submitting comments:
- Kindly provide your comments in the Comment Form. For each comment, kindly provide the reference Indicator, Principle or Annex. Then provide your comments (Your rationale or justification for a change) for each Indicator or the Annex
- Provide your proposed change (Your suggested modifications, new wording, proposed sub-indicator, added verifiers, deletions, etc.)
- Repeat steps 1 and 2 for any new comment you would wish to provide in each of the Indicators for the INS of Botswana.
- Submit completed comments to imalugu@gmail.com
Thank you for your participation.
Best Regards
Isaac Malugu