This year's meeting will be held in Entebbe, Uganda and will bring together FSC members and leaders from indigenous peoples' organizations, trade unions, environmental groups, companies and individuals with a strong interest in forests.

The promise of this year's meeting is that it will examine key solutions and trends that can enable the organization to deliver meaningful results for the forests on which we all depend for our survival and livelihoods. It will equally enable members to discuss important governance issues and provide feedback on processes.FSC Staff and FSC Advisory Committee Members at the 2022 members' meeting

About FSC members

Members are dedicated individuals who believe in the power of working together to drive change and transform society via responsible forest management. FSC is an international membership association, governed by its members. These members may be organizational – which means that they represent their institution or organization – or individual. Members are from diverse backgrounds and include representatives of environmental and social non-governmental organizations, the timber trade, forestry organizations, indigenous people's organizations, community forestry groups, retailers and manufacturers, and forest certification organizations, as well as individual forest owners and interested parties.

Members apply to join one of three chambers – environmental, social and economic – which are further sub-divided into northern and southern sub-chambers. Each chamber holds 33.3% of the weight in votes; and within each chamber votes are weighted to ensure that north and south each hold 50% of the votes. This guarantees that influence is shared equitably between different interest groups and levels of economic power.