FSC approved the interim national standard (INS) for eSwatini on 5 February 2020. It applies to all types of organizations managing plantations only and does not refer to any type of non-timber forest products.
The INS got developed based on the FSC Principles and Criteria (V5-2) and the international generic indicators, in addition to input from local stakeholders. The organization Soil Association Certification Limited was responsible for the adaptation process.
The INS for eSwatini (English version) can be consulted on the FSC international website in the FSC Document Center.
eSwatini is a small landlocked country between South Africa and Mozambique, known as Swaziland at the time it gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1968. The country has a population of 1.4 million inhabitants. eSwatini is renowned for its nature reserves and its Lane Royal National Park, which is inhabited by a diverse fauna (lions, hippopotamuses, elephants).
On the 50th anniversary of Swaziland's independence (19 April 2018), the King renamed his country on the grounds that Swaziland is the only country in southern Africa to have retained its name from the time of British colonial rule.
Please contact the FSC team working on forest management by email forestmanagement@fsc.org and/or fscafrica@fsc.org for any comments regarding the new standard.