The meeting concluded with the selection of representatives of the Standard Development Group SDG. The Standard Development Group (SDG) is a chamber balanced working group consisting of 6 Individuals which represent the economic, social and environmental interests.
The 6 representatives are:
• Social chamber: António Ferreira Augusto Serra (WWF) and Mário Falcão (University of Eduardo Mondlane)
• Economic chamber: Victor Nazário (Natural Forest Concession Manager) and Francisco Espinheira Nobre (Portucel Mozambique)
• Social chamber: André Mandlate (SINTAF Trade Union) and Célia Enosse (Community member)
The FSC Principles and Criteria set out the global requirements for achieving FSC forest management certification. However, any international standard for forest management needs to be adapted at the regional or national level to reflect the diverse legal, social and geographical conditions of forests in different parts of the world.
The process for developing the FSC National Forest Stewardship Standards (NFSS) follows the requirements set out in the FSC procedure document FSC-STD-60-006 V1-2 also called “Process requirements for developing and maintenance of National Forest Stewardship Standards” and shall utilise the FSC International Generic Indicators - FSC-STD-60-004 V1-0 EN (IGIs) as a base document.
The NFSS development process is supported by FSC Africa, and in Mozambique are supported by the National Sustainable Development Fund (FNDS), Verde Azul, INDUFOR and SSC Forestry in Mozambique.
The SDG representatives had its first meeting on 13 June, where they received training on the FSC process of developing a NFSS. The SDG anticipates releasing the first draft for public consultation in September 2018.
Should stakeholder have any queries regarding this process, please contact Manushka Moodley via