On September 28th, FSC was pleased to announce the publication of the revised FSC National Forest Stewardship Standard (NFSS) for Cameroon. It will apply to all types of forests, small and low intensity management units and community forests.
On October 6, 2020 it was the turn of the Republic of Congo to announce the publication of its revised FSC National Forest Stewardship Standard (NFSS).
The standard will apply to specific management units as described in section 2.2 of the scope of the standard.
The two new national standards have been aligned with the FLEGT legality requirements of the European Union Voluntary Partnership Agreement (EU-VPA).
The revision processes of the FSC Standards in Cameroon and the Republic of Congo began in 2015 and focused on adapting the FSC Principles and Criteria to version 5 and including indicators related to intact forest landscapes, timber monitoring, indigenous peoples' and local communities' rights, among others.
In both countries, a balanced standards development group from all three FSC chambers (economic, environmental and social) led the revision following a multi-stakeholder process, including virtual public consultations and face-to-face consultation workshops. The revised standards were subjected to field testing and stakeholder participation to ensure their applicability.
If you have any questions about the new standards, please contact
For Cameroon :
Professor Roger Ngoufo, Chair of the FSC Standard Development Group: ngoufocew08@yahoo.fr.
For the Republic of Congo :
Inès Gady Strarov Cabare Mvoukani, Chair of the FSC standard development group: inesgady@yahoo.fr / genfscroc@gmail.com
The new FSC national standards for Cameroon and the Republic of Congo (English and French versions) are available on the FSC website: https://www.fsc.org/en/document-centre.