Claudia Esteves, LevasFlor Sales and Compliance Manager says the company produces 100% natural, solid hardwood boards and their products range include toys and treated timber, timber for construction, doors, windows, flooring and outdoor furniture. They are currently planning to increase their production capacity and are investigating charcoal production using branches and offcuts from their sawmill.
“We sell certified tropical species and believe that our hardwood species such as Banga wanga (Ambylocarpus andongensis), Cleistanthus schlechteri (Nacuva) / Khaya nyasica / Breonadia microcephala / Burkea africana (Mucurate) are unique and durable will be able to assist us to penetrate the European market” she added
Collaborating for conservation
LevasFlor is currently cooperating with the Gorongosa National Park (GNP) which is one of the most diverse protected areas on the planet, in a monitoring project that will GPS-collar some of the leopards living in LevasFlors’ forests with the purpose of understanding their movements and patterns and the challenges with natural reintroduction into the park. During the civil war the park lost a significant number of their animal population and has during the last decade been working hard to rehabilitate their populations.
“We are hoping the results will help the science team to better understand what barriers needs to be overcome to have a healthy leopard population in the park again. Whilst we continue with placing park rangers that helps us better handle the pressure of poachers in our forests.” Claudia added.
Sustainability, Milestones and the future
In 2014 the company was awarded the ‘’Best PME’’ (small and medium company) in Mozambique, due to its focus on sustainable practices, they also have reforestation program to rehabilitate areas affected because of their operations. Their plant nursery has a capacity of 10 000 plants per season.
“At LevasFlor we are very passionate sustainability and the creation of jobs for local communities. The FSC certification is important to us as it demonstrates to customers, local government and other stakeholders about our commitment to the environment and will help us in accessing the overseas market” said Claudia.