Nana DarkoFirst, we have Nana Darko Cobbina, Certification Manager FSC Africa Regional Office. Nana hails from Ghana and has a strong forestry background with several years of experience managing natural resources in the African region.

His Africa experience includes on-the-ground fieldwork in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda, working with diverse stakeholders such as production companies, government agencies, NGOs and local communities. 

Nana joined the team in August 2023, and with his leadership, FSC's certification programme in Africa is in good hands.

SIPsNext up is Siphelele Masondo, also known as "Sips".

Sips is South African and has a Bachelor of Technology degree in forestry.

He has spent 12 years working in various positions in commercial forestry companies in South Africa.

Sip will be providing technical guidance to FSC certificate holders and those who are on the path to certification in the Southern African subregion in his role as a Certification Officer.

Sip started in September 2023.






Chales Msonge 1Lastly, meet Charles Msonge, a seasoned forester with over 5 years of experience in conservation.

He has worked with both local and international NGOs such as the Mpingo Conservation & Development Initiative (MCDI), Reforest Africa, and Wildlife Conservation Society (WSC), fostering his passion for safeguarding our planet.

Charles joined FSC in October as the Certification Officer for Eastern Africa, he brings his extensive FSC certification experience from his role as Assistant Certification Manager at MCDI, overseeing over 250,000 hectares of FSC-certified natural forest. 

With an Masters of Science in Conservation Management of African Ecosystems from the University of Glasgow, Charles is well-equipped to contribute to FSC's mission in Eastern Africa.


Together, Nana, Sips, and Charles will work to move the forestry industry towards a more sustainable future.