Trust the Tree, Choose FSC
This year the campaign will take place 23-29 September under the theme Trust the Tree, calling upon the full FSC system worldwide to help showcase the importance of sustainable forestry solutions, inspiring customers to act by choosing FSC-certified products.

How can you take part?
If you are an FSC certificate or promotional licence holder based in Africa and would like to participate in FSC Forest Week 2023, you can sign up here.
Should you have any question, please contact us.
Download the FSC Forest Week 2023 campaign Toolkit
We have created a number of assets that will allow you to showcase your sustainability efforts throughout the whole week. These assets highlight the role that forest stewards, like you, have in combating climate change and the biodiversity crises by supporting sustainable forestry.
In the English Toolkit you will find:
7 social assets – this includes one post for each day of Forest Week. For ease, we have provided a suggestion of which post to share each day and FSC International will follow this order. The only post you must share on the suggested day, is post seven, since it closes the campaign. All other posts can be shared on any day of the campaign.
Digital assets – you will have access to an email signature banner and a digital background which you can use on Teams or Zoom.
Printable assets – if you hold activities on the ground you can print the roll up banner and media wall we have created to decorate your events.
Internal Engagement Presentation – this fully customizable PPT presentation will allow you to engage your staff this Forest Week, encouraging them to be active participants in the campaign.
We have provided open files, when necessary, so you can add you licence code to the assets. Additionally, assets have been created with the TM and R trademark symbols, so please make sure to use the one that applies to you.
To have a better understanding on how you should navigate the toolkit and where you can find each asset, we have included a guide material in the toolkit as well.