Across developed countries, consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental and social impacts of their purchases. This heightened consumer scrutiny has led to growing corporate and governmental commitments to sustainability, especially as it becomes an integral part of the moral...
On behalf of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the FSC International Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Subhra Bhattacharjee as the new Director General, effective 01 October 2024.
The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) Eastern Africa is delighted to unveil our latest story, offering a glimpse into our ongoing collaboration with smallholders in Kenya striving for certification.
The European Union Deforestation-free Regulation (EUDR) is the new EU initiative to limit deforestation and degradation caused by forestry and agricultural activities all over the world. Some changes to the FSC system will need to be made to fully align with EUDR requirements. Although...
Much has changed at Amathole Forestry Company (Pty)Ltd (AFC) over the past 20 years, but one thing has been constant: it has retained its FSC Forest Management certification throughout this time.
On May 24th,2019, after a three-year journey, UTGA (Uganda Timber Growers Association) obtained the first FSC Group scheme certification in Uganda. It is the first group scheme for plantations in the sub region.